
Most built-in types in Modélico (List, Set, Map, EnumMap and Date) are wrappers around native structures. Except for a few built-in basic methods, it is necessary to retrieve those structures to access their properties and methods (eg. list.inner().reduce).

However, if your environment supports ES2015 proxies, Modélico provides utilities to get around this:

  • M.proxyDate

  • M.proxyList

  • M.proxySet

  • M.proxyMap, M.proxyEnumMap, M.proxyStringMap


import M from 'modelico'
const p = M.proxyDate

const defaultDate = M.Date.of(new Date('1988-04-16'))
const proxiedDate = p(defaultDate)

// without proxies
defaultDate.inner().getFullYear() // => 1988

// with proxies
proxiedDate.getFullYear() // => 1988

Please note that native methods that modify the structure in place will instead return a new Modélico object:

// without proxies
const tmpDate = defaultDate.inner()
const defaultDate2 = M.Date.of(tmpDate)

defaultDate.inner().getFullYear()  // => 1988 (still)
defaultDate2.inner().getFullYear() // => 2000

// with proxies
const proxiedDate2 = proxiedDate.setFullYear(2000)

proxiedDate.getFullYear()  // => 1988 (still)
proxiedDate2.getFullYear() // => 2000

See proxy tests for more details.

Last updated